Hi every one

Hi every one it’s another school day i’m just sitting here at school… Bored and stuff so i’m just going to go to go sleep. drifting drifting and almost gonzzz well I wolkup so yeah.

Baldies basics part four

Yes! An exit lets go [jump’s out]  ”let’s go on a feald trip”.  Nope  run! no no noooooo! rrrrrrmmmrrrrrrrr man i’m in the bus.  2 hours later.  Finally were here ”go collect fire wood”  ”the bigger the better” ”so go ahead”  fine Ill go.  [walks away]  man it’s realy dark I better collect some wood. Hear’s one a stick at least [walks back] what the why is the fire almost out. [puts in stick] OK this is weard  when I put the stick in the fire got strangely  bigger! way bigger ”OK this should be about right” ”Now lets go to bed” zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [wakes up] OK why am I back in the school…

Baldis basics part three

well i’m at my house away from Baldies school ”crack”. Oh,no,no,no  ”yuan”  Where am I. I’m at baldies school, man! ”click” ”clink” oh man, ”gotta sweep sweep sweep” run! my mined is saying something get out!, get out! OK RUN go go go Baldies right hear! No the sweeper! the exit go! yes i’m out. ”let’s go on a feald trip” oh no…

my life

I had to get up this morning and go to baldies basics school and if I get a problem wrong I’ll die so… Enay way got to run run run I got a problem wrong ahhhhgggg! baldies coming clink, clink RUN!! I’m almost out, jump..!

Baldis basics part 2

I’v got no time to chat i’m almost out closer,closer. Then I felt a smack agenst my back crashing me to the floor. I look up scared to see baldi smashing me one more time before I crawled away I was about 5 feet from the exit but it felt like 500 feet. I could hear baldi right behind me I crawled a little faster. 2 feet from the exit baldi 1 foot behind me finaly my hands could feel grass. But my feet felt another slap so I kiked baldi in the arm ,he fell back. I got up and ran as fast as I could I ran for a day then geting back to my home town. Still running I ran home and did not come out for a week sleeping almost the hole time and eating the rest.

Baldis Basics

Oh gosh sorry, i’m running from baldi. “no running in the halls”. ”Oh man I got sent to detenton for a little bit… Now run clink,clink oh no baldi got me ahhhhh! But I see the exit RUN!! Almost to the exit but baldi is right thare!…

Me Me Me

”hi i’m teddy i’m going to tell you a little about myself. I live in the U.S I love pizza. i’m a true cool boy ”I LOVE THE U.S!” it’s 2018. And my teacher is the BEST!!!!!!!!!


Well it is the first week of school so I am writing this

for fun. I’m in 4th grade and i’m awsome! so yeah got to go now byyyyyy!!!!